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DPF, catalytic converter: where to find these parts in an emergency ?

DPF, catalytic converter: where to find these parts in an emergency ?

It's well known; car problems frequently happen at the worst time... On the way to your office, before going on vacation, or when an emergency occurs, such as an imminent technical check-up... Fortunately, it is possible to find a cheap catalytic converter or a factory priced diesel particulate filter in an emergency. In this brief article, we will present the numerous solutions convenient for you to replace the catalytic converter or DPF on your car as quickly as possible.

The concession is complicated.

Logic dictates one should replace a worn-out DPF or catalytic converter at the vehicle brand' dealership. This is one possibility. Except those dealerships buy from stock. Therefore, it is possible the part that will be mounted on your vehicle is not of the latest generation. Furthermore, appointment scheduling times can vary by up to three times from one dealership to another. If the car you're working with is the one that has broken down and whose DPF needs to be replaced, you cannot wait. Finally, dealerships often offer this equipment at a premium price, and the invoice can be very high for a simple Volkswagen Golf diesel particulate filter.

Garage or car center: you have to be patient

To save money, it can be tempting to go to an auto center, as we can find in most cities. Or to go to the small garage in your village to find a cheap catalytic converter for the Peugeot 308. Only, it is quite rare that these parts are in stock. They often need to be ordered. And even if the deliveries are generally quite fast, the assembly of the equipment will depend on the planning of the professional. Therefore, it is likely that a delay of one week will be necessary to get your vehicle back on the road safely.

An auto parts salesman: yes but...

Another solution offered to you: direct you to a center offering a wide range of auto parts where you can find a diesel particulate filter or a catalytic converter. Be careful about the quality and choose a stainless steel body to limit the appearance of rust. However, this solution can only be secure if you can install the assembly by yourself. Mechanics are generally not very interested in assembling car parts bought elsewhere...

Do you want to know if your Catalytic Converter is Bad ? Do you want to know if your DPF is clogged ?

The Krosfou solution: Maximum speed

At Krosfou, we offer you the delivery of your new catalytic converter or diesel particulate filter within 48 hours. You can choose between your home, a relay point, or even a partner garage. When placing your order, you can call one of our partner mechanics for better speed and a quick assembly directly at your home. This way, you will be capable to take back the controls of your vehicle very quickly. And all this with an attractive price/performance ratio and a 3-year or 100,000 km warranty.The Krosfou solution: maximum speed.

Posted on 2019-09-24 by 2019 0 3781

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